
Donald Clinebell on Extraordinary Living
This introductory presentation will energize, motivate and empower. It emphasizes the power of service as the common thread of meaning in our lives on this planet regardless of one’s faith or belief system, the power that brings great meaning and joy beyond measure.
30 Minute Video Below

The Service DrivenSM Life: Discover the Joy
In lecture or sermon format, this session focuses on the question “Why serve?” We discover that within the truly service driven life is great joy— joy beyond measure—and we begin to embrace that joy.
Listen to sermon version: “Discover the Joy”

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Priorities
Also available in lecture or sermon format, this presentation is a primer on how to begin, how to find your path of service. Motivational and empowering, it’s filled with concrete ways to learn how to serve in every part of our lives: home and family, vocation, and neighbor.

The Service DrivenSM Life: Serve Through Home and Family
Learn to open the floodgates of love, forgiveness and joy in your home and with your family. This session will empower you and your family to serve others with new energy and passion—and with a profound love of both self and serving. Be astounded at the flow of love and compassion for those most precious to you and for other human souls. Experience the shift that frees you to love others as the God of your understanding has loved you.

The Service DrivenSM Life: Serve Through Vocation
Learn to serve on the job as a link in a miraculous chain. No matter what you do for a living, everything can lead you to the experience of God’s love and your love for others. Indeed everything you do either is or can be a vessel for service, a pathway to the profound meaning and joy that service brings to those who serve.

Serve Neighbor as Neighbor: Go and Do Likewise
This uplifting session is devoted to learning to serve others outside of your home, just as the God of your understanding has loved you. Learn to plant literal and figurative shade trees under which you know full well you will never sit. As your service to others blossoms and grows, so does your sense of meaning and the depth and completeness of your joy.
Listen to sermon version: “Go and Do Likewise” (To the left)

Living with Meaning, Power and Joy: Seven Ways to Know Where the God of Your Understanding Is Leading You to Serve
Last in the series, this practical session helps you focus you on remaining service driven. Learn seven specific and practical ways, seven daily habits, to not only find your path of service but also to remain on the path of meaning, empowerment and joy without measure.
Check out these 30sec-3minute videos to inspire your heart for service!
Here is a Free 30-minute presentation on the thrilling power of service!
Happened to be in Capistrano Beach, California, and heard the fifth in the series: ”Go and Do Likewise!” Awesome message, awesome and outstanding preacher! Best I’ve ever heard, ordained or lay preacher. Go see him! You will be changed!
—Jennine Deese., Seattle, Washington, USA
Made me laugh, made me cry. Powerful message! Terrific speaker!
—Deborah Holley
I learned so much. Thank you! There aren’t enough superlatives for this presentation. Riveting, moving, life-changing.
—John March
Heard Donald Clinebell speak in October. Wow! Amazing! Don’t miss the opportunity to hear him.
—Pastor Matt Thorley, Oceanside, California
An amazing man, with a passion for serving others. God shines brightly through Donald!! Go see him.
—Mimi Griffin, Juice Plus Rep, San Clemente, California

About The Speaker
DONALD CLINEBELL, J.D., P.B.K. is Founder and President of The Service DrivenSM Institute, whose mission is to imagine and foster a world filled with men and women living in service to others, in every part of their lives – through home and family, through vocation, and neighbor. Service driven people live outside of themselves, and thereby discover deep meaning and great joy for themselves.
Donald is a popular speaker and published author. His first book, The Service DrivenSM Life was released in January of 2013, to rave reviews and the written endorsements of many in the fields of spiritual growth and wholeness, spirituality, and theology. The book is a powerful and moving exploration of the power of service in our lives.
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“Service driven” and “Service Driven Institute” and the logo are service marks of Donald Clinebell.