Introducing the Service Driven Institute...
The Service Driven Institute is a movement designed to inspire and educate leaders on how to grow their business through impacting not only the bottom line, but through impacting lives.
We do this through captivating seminars, speaking engagements, and 1 on 1 coaching with a personalized touch.
The Service Driven Leadership Seminars
What if your leadership impacted not only the bottom line – but transformed lives?
What if you could “make your mark” not just on a spreadsheet, but on human hearts and minds. That kind of leadership is rare – but it’s possible!
This is a leadership seminar like no other. You’ll come away with practical and proven strategies AND find yourself challenged, moved and motivated to be the person, the leader, you’ve always hoped, even dreamed you could be.
Whether you own or partner in a professional service, lead a small business, run a major corporation or head a non-profit organization, being a service-driven leader makes good bottom line sense. This power-packed, half-day seminar will show you how.
Attendees will receive a copy of The Service Driven Leader Workbook. Donald Clinebell’s latest book, The Service Driven Leader, is available in print through the website and through Amazon.com.
Personal Coaching
Donald, need at least 3-4 sentences summarizing the type of coaching you do here. Speaking to the benefits would be best here “help individuals increase their bottom line while retaining valuable staff” or some lines like that. Also give me a sentence on the structure of your coaching, such as is it virtual, how long do you normally coach, is there and ongoing option etc. Finally, when that is complete, send me a couple photos of you speaking with someone 1 to 1, and a more fleshed out description of the above for the actual coaching page.
Invite Donald Clinebell to bring service driven passion and purpose to your next event.
The following represent a sample of talks and workshops that will bring new insight, energy, and life to your next conference, luncheon, or workshop.
You can also check out these short videos to inspire your heart for service and to get a little taste of what it feels like to be inspired.
Who is behind Service Driven Institute?
DONALD CLINEBELL, J.D., P.B.K. is Founder and President of The Service DrivenSM Institute, whose mission is to imagine and foster a world filled with men and women living in service to others, in every part of their lives – through home and family, through vocation, and neighbor. Service driven people live outside of themselves, and thereby discover deep meaning and great joy for themselves.
Donald is a popular speaker and published author. His first book, The Service DrivenSM Life was released in January of 2013, to rave reviews and the written endorsements of many in the fields of spiritual growth and wholeness, spirituality, and theology. The book is a powerful and moving exploration of the power of service in our lives.
Donald was recently given the highly honored title CLM (Certified Lay Minister).
A Lay Minister is a certified lay servant who is called and equipped to conduct public worship, care for the congregation, assist in program leadership, develop new and existing faith communities, preach the Word, lead small groups, and establish community outreach ministries as part of a ministry team.
Embrace the heart of service in the way that fits you best:
Our books show life through the power of service, living the extraordinary, and service through leadership. If you want to achieve happiness and lead a successful and fulfilling life, here are some tools to help guide you though your journey.
The time to begin is now! Peace be with you…
How it all started:
My father listened attentively, nodding gently, but did not speak. As we finished supper, we sat together in the quiet.
After supper, the gloaming turned to dark and I read to Dad from a favorite daily reader. Sleep seemed next, and I prepared to depart for the night. But as I turned to go, Dad stirred and waved at me to return to his bedside. I sat. He smiled at me and said this: “Donald, you must write that book.” He turned upon his side and he slept–a sleep he would later describe as restful and peaceful. I left, and I too spent a restful and peaceful night.
That night was the beginning of my journey not just to write a book, but to dedicate my life to inspiring others to live a life that matters, a life of service.
Why Live a Value Based Extraordinary Life?
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
You can be of service just like Janet
Janet joined a food and toy drive in her rural hometown. She recruited nine volunteers. A child in her town who had never opened a Christmas gift did so for the very first time. A child who would otherwise have gone hungry enjoyed a holiday meal with her family.
In just one town, only 10 volunteers rallied together to collect 140 boxes of food along with 140 boxes of toys. They gave one of each to 140 families averaging four family members each. That’s 140 x 4 lives changed! In a matter of two years, the program became a model for other food and toy drives in other towns, in other states and in other countries around the globe.
Hear the story in Janet’s own words …
“I believed I was nothing, worthless. My head told me exactly that and, boy, did I believe it for years—no, for decades. In my thirties, I was divorced, childless, feeling caught in a job I hated. Caught in an existence without meaning. I was severely depressed and sometimes suicidal.
“One day, I was invited to participate in a food and toy drive for a local charity. The same invitation had been given me several years running. I had consistently said ‘no.’ For some reason, this time, I said ‘yes.’ And I got to work recruiting volunteers and organizing. We served many families.
“I saw tears in the eyes of those we served. I saw humility, gratefulness, joy in a mother and her small children in my own town—my own state and country—who did not know from where their next meal was coming. After the drive was over, I realized that I had seen something else. In those I served, I had seen the face of God—my Higher Power—and suddenly, I knew it. It scared me at first, but it also gave me the quiet comfort of a Higher Power moving in my life. In my life! Extraordinary! I was driven to agree to chair the next drive and grow the project.
“Over time, and with my God’s help, I began to learn about love and compassion for others—and for myself. As I learned, and as my thinking changed, I found myself alive with love and compassion for others, overflowing with a purpose and a joy that filled me up every day—a joy I could never have imagined!”
My friends, Janet discovered the power of service and the power of the service driven life.
And now we’d love to hear your story. Share with us an example of how you’ve been benefited and blessed or have grown from serving someone else.
Write Donald Clinebell at: theservicedrivenlife@gmail.com. He’d love to hear from you!
Contact me
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“Service driven” and “Service Driven Institute” and the logo are service marks of Donald Clinebell.