Learn How to Grow Your Business — and Chart Your Course to Greatness! — as a Service Driven Leader
Make the most important choice you will ever make as a leader: The choice to serve – without which your capacity to lead will be profoundly limited.
Get ready to accelerate individual performance and cultivate an atmosphere that helps you:
- Retain top talent
- Improve work environment
- Increase loyalty and longevity
Learn the fundamentals of Service Driven Leadership; the most powerful force in leadership development in our time. Learn how the classic and aging leadership models have failed businesses and organizations and have limited their productivity.
Leverage the power of service to ensure enduring success for your business and make those around you better.

Discover how doing the right thing can mean good business and increased profit.
Every day, Donald Clinebell helps businesses and organizations become standouts in their local community and create a culture of engagement where employees and team members look forward to coming to work. For leaders in every venue, here is the key: Employees and team members filled with purpose, meaning, joy and fulfillment are not only happier and more content people; they are more engaged, productive, effective and empowered in what they do. There is nothing better for the brand and the bottom line than that!
What to Expect
Donald Clinebell is Founder and President of The Service Driven Institute. He is a distinguished author, powerful speaker and facilitator, and a renowned business coach.
When you book Donald to speak at your business or organization, you and your team will experience new productivity, engagement at work, energy and passion. You will walk away with SEVEN keys to success as a service-driven leader — keys that can revolutionize your business or organization in much the same way that embracing the power of service has transformed a multitude of individual lives.
If you prefer, Donald can be booked for one-on-one business leader coaching as well. If you’d like to pursue that, feel free to contact Donald for a free initial face-to-face meeting so that he can get to know about you, your business or organization, and your goals and needs. From there, Donald will work with you to develop a strategy and specific plan to move you and your business or organization forward.

What is Your Next Best Step?
Speaking Option – Donald can speak at your next team meeting or luncheon for 25-35 minutes – including an hour and a half of combined time with leadership and attendees before and after the speech. Chart a course to greatness today!
- Audiences of 100 or less: $2,500.00 plus travel & accommodation expenses, if applicable.
- Audiences of more than 100: $25 per person plus travel & accommodation expenses.

Full-Day Coaching & Consultation Option – Donald will meet with your leadership for a day-long evaluation where he comes to your place of business and does a 4–6-hour consultation.
Many organizations experience immediate and lasting change from this session – moving their people and their bottom line forward in an amazing way!
This will be a customized option for your business or organization and its needs. Donald will spend two hours of advance work with you, as President and/or CEO; and 4-6 hours of time with your leadership and management teams.
He will guide you and your key leadership to an understanding of the power of service and how to be truly service driven.
Know that just one service-driven leader can change an organization from the inside out and carry it to greatness! Now imagine what you could do with an entire leadership team of service-driven individuals!
This power-packed, inspirational option includes a keynote address on The Service Driven Leader, breakout sessions, and individual time with Donald Clinebell and key leaders designated by you. Result? A leadership team inspired and motivated and thereby engaged – ready to move themselves and your organization to greatness!
- $7,500.00 plus travel & accommodation expenses.
Comprehensive Engagement Option – Donald will come to your business for a 2- or 5-day engagement where he tours your organization, does one-on-one interviews with your key leadership and presents you with a customized service-driven profile and strategy.
With this option, expect a comprehensive review and analysis of the way your company operates, and comprehensive training for leadership, management, and rank and file – in the power of service to change lives and businesses or organizations.
Private sessions with the CEO/President, top leaders, and Board of Directors. All management is included in another session – with rank and file included at selected events (including a keynote address) to help bring the organization together toward service-driven excellence. Practical yet inspirational!
The days are customized to your business or organization and its needs! This time together is designed to produce: (1) A specific, written vision; (2) Goals to implement the vision, with time frames for completion and accountability; (3) Specific action items, again with time frames.
The end result will be an organization changed from the inside out and charting a course to greatness!
- 2-Day Full Service: $10,000 plus travel & accommodation expenses.
- 5-Day Full Service: $15,000 plus travel & accommodation expenses.

The Service Driven Leader
“Change the face of your business, accelerate performance and ensure its enduring success.”
As a leader, you want to make those around you better. The strategies shared in The Service Driven™ Leader will give you both the motivation and the practical direction you need to:
- Become a standout organization in your local community
- Create a culture of engagement where employees and team members look forward to coming to work
- Discover how “doing the right thing” can mean good business and increased profit
“If you want to build a boat, don’t begin by collecting wood, cutting boards, or assigning tasks. Begin by awakening in the souls of your workers a longing for the vast and boundless sea.”
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Discover the 7 keys to success as a Service Driven Leader; secrets that can revolutionize your business in much the same way that embracing the power of service has transformed a multitude of individual lives.
The time to begin is now!
Embrace the heart of service in the way that fits you best:
Our books show life through the power of service, living the extraordinary, and service through leadership. If you want to achieve happiness and lead a successful and fulfilling life, here are some tools to help guide you though your journey.
The time to begin is now! Peace be with you…

Donald Clinebell has given us a truly uplifting work that should be read by all who desire to create a unified and highly motivated workforce focused on their organization’s success. The Service Driven Leader provides a guide on how leaders who serve and care for others will create a culture that will empower and energize employees to help stimulate continuous improvement while increasing profit.
—Alan Adamo, Former Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Fluidmaster, Organizational Development Instructor, University of California, Irvine
Ground-breaking and empowering! The Service Driven Leader is a must-read for every business leader; it is practical in its application and inspiring in its approach.
—Anabella Q. Bonfa, JD Wellman & Warren LLP
Best I’ve ever heard, hands down. His preparation, his control of the room, his presentation were all tops. Witty, informational, to the point; wove the evening together brilliantly.
—Bonnie M., Rotarian, Los Angeles, California